So I went to the Mac Store today to decide what computer to buy, and I already am bad at decision making. So I'm trying to decide weather to buy the old Macbook or the new Macbook. The new Macbook is made out of Titanium and has better graphics, a larger hard drive and is $300 more.I can't decide if it's work $300 more. So I'm still trying to decide and would love any input especially if anybody has the new one
Buy the new one. You will be glad tomorrow about that decision today.
Hey like i told you on the phone spend what you can afford. If you plan on getting photoshop then the $300 difference could be big in getting the program. (oh and remember your a paid artist so i wouldn't recommend a stolen copy of photoshop). Goodluck!
Are you talking about Mac Books or Mac Book Pros? Big difference. As I'm sure you know by now I'm a super dork when it comes to apple computers. I have all kinds of advice on purchasing macs so find me at school and we can talk.
i always look for a better deal. if it is worth the three hundred bucks then go for it.
Hey i have a old 80s IBM if you want that. hehehehee
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