Monday, March 9, 2009

For my Granddad!

I recently went down to Florida to visit my Grandparent's and while I was down there I delivered A picture my Granddad bought from me after he viewed my portfolio, last time they came up to see us. It's the little girl on the fence picture(my header) and it's his absolute favorite because of the composure, mood and scene. He was so excited when I gave it to him and put it up right away!

It's great to have so much support and encouragement from my family. I feel truly blessed.


pal4all said...

How lucky you are!

Sammi Kate Photography said...

i do like that photo!

Demetrius Freeman said...

cool!! isn't it nice to see your work in someones home!

Rosira S. Palmer said...

Congratulations for selling the little girl picture. I am sure the little girl would be proud.