Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm looking for a new computer!

So, for the past year or so i've had an extremly hard time editing my work at home because my computer is so slow. Now that i've graduated it's become a HUGE problem because I don't have school computers to use. What i'm thinking rite now is a Macbook because it seems like a great buy, but i'm up for any suggestions. Also if you do have a Macbook or another great photo editing computer I would love to know what features and whatnot you suggest. Also know that i'm not looking for anything fancy because I don't have too much money to spend.

1 comment:

Demetrius Freeman said...

i thought we already talked about this. Mac has released a new line of computer and to compete with a bad economy they dropped the price of the Macbook (white) to under a thousand dollars. So if you would like to speed up your editing space for a cheap price i would say buy a Macbook.